For your convenience, we have listed below an index of bulletins to date. All are on file in the Union office. Please call for copies.
#1 --- Drive out agreements, voluntary use of vehicles and reimbursement to carriers
for parcels, relays and driveouts.
#2 --- How to deliver mail on the street according to regulations; fingering mail, using
crosswalks, arranging mail in satchels and truck trays.
#3 --- Employee discipline records. How long kept; How removed.
#4 --- The use of stools for casing mail, etc., working off the clock, carriers' financial
liability for lost property, mail, etc. The 8-hour guarantee.
#5 --- Sick leave for dependant care (1995 National Agreement).
#6 --- Conduct of route examiners - do's and don'ts; hazardous chemicals on patrons'
#7 --- One day mail counts; notification period; discipline resulting from one day
counts; harassment.
#8 --- Bidding rights time frames, postings; PTF bidding rights for holddowns.
#9 --- Postal Inspection Service investigations and the Union's role in them.
#10 -- Holiday scheduling, pecking order in Local Memo's, etc. (See also #27).
#11 -- Part time Flexible leave usage.
#12 -- Executive Order 5396 - leave for disabled vets.
#13 -- Criteria to request a special route inspection and how it must be done.
#14 -- Accident Safety Review Boards and what they are about.
#15 -- Rules regarding Carriers having special keys to customer residences or
apartment buildings, etc.
#16 -- Rules regarding PS Form 3996, request for overtime or help.
#17 -- Jury duty and how to change your schedule to coincide with the courts.
#18 -- Working in the dark.
#19 -- Winter shortcuts, unsafe conditions, what to do.
#20 -- Office breaks: all Carriers must take them; they are not optional.
#21 -- Personnel records: your rights to review them; what they contain, etc.
#22 -- Lunch period rights and activities permitted by regulations.
#23 -- Work assignment overtime; how it works, including restrictions, etc.
#24 -- Annual leave - questions and answers for all employees.
#25 -- Official Discussions: what they mean; explanation of how to interpret them.
Also, when they are not official.
#26 -- When and how to speak to your steward; time limits, etc.
#27 -- Understanding holiday scheduling (See also #10).
#28 -- Annual Leave carryover & bidding periods (LMU's).
#29 -- Rules governing transfers.
#30 -- 5 minute leeway rule/overtime disallowed.
#31 -- Mail counts: "official" or otherwise.
#32 -- Getting sick while on vacation: leave change status.
#33 -- Local "call-in" policies: against the rules?
#34 -- Use of own vehicle on the job (See also: #1).
#35 - Damage to personal property at work (Art. 27).
#36 - Q & A's on the One Bundle System
#37 - What are and are not accountable items to be signed for.
#38 - Reasons to use on PS Form 3996 other than heavy mail.
#39 - Special Route inspection criteria, as per the M-39 Handbook (for over-
burdened routes).
#40 - What is unsafe? Judgments and repercussions of curtailing delivery.
#41 - Route adjustment data - how to figure it out.
#42 - Medical records (yours), how to get them; OSHA & safety.
#43 - How much overtime is too much? Established limits.
#44 - How the Dispute Resolution Process (DRP) affects you.
#45 - Reporting Safety Issues; How to do so within the rules.
#46 - Overweight relays?
#47 - Expectations - A review of work standards for office and street.
#48 - Did you know miscellaneous NWA contractual items.
#49 - OWCP Guidance on filing claims for workplace exposure to elements, diseases
(anthrax) etc.
#50 - 8 hour guarantees. Art. 8.8 and how it came about; why it is important to retain.
#51 - Holiday work rules. (See also: #10 & #27).
#52 - Use of bulletin boards, literature racks, etc. for the exclusive use by Unions.
#53 - Keeping an Eye on Your Benefits
#54 - Form 3996 - As Per the M-41 Handbook
#55 - Injured At Work?? (What to do)
#56 - PTF Holddowns - A Very Good Idea!
#57 - Need Notes for Sick Leave? Try This!
#58 - DOIS - What it is and What it Isn't!
#59 - Family Medical Leave Act Violations? What to Do.
#59a Moved Off Your Assignment? Art. 41.1C4 Says No!
#60 - Managed Service Points (MSP) Do's & Don'ts
#61 - Annual Leave Entitlements
#62 - DOIS (Reprise)
#63 - T-6 (Floater) Overtime Guidelines
#64 - Continuation of Pay (OWCP)
#65 - Illegal Time Disallowances
#66 - Postal Employee's Guide to Safety
#67 - 5 Minute Leeway vs. Tardiness (F-401 Handbook)
#68 - Light Duty Assignments (Taken from ELRM)
#69 - Return to Duty After on the Job Injury
#70 - Article 11 - Holidays