Dear Brothers & Sisters:
By now, all Carriers should be aware of what is transpiring regarding postal reformation. Hopefully, everyone has received and viewed President Young's video that was sent to all Letter Carriers, including non-members. The information contained therein is critical knowledge.
Our membership is starting to sign up via PostalEASE for contributions to COLCPE. Although we were warned that only 2 "allotments" would be permitted via PostalEASE, at least 2 members have successfully signed up on line with more than 2 payroll "allotments." We are currently awaiting final, conclusive answers to the mix up on just how many allotments will be permitted by OPM.
I want to especially recognize 1st VP Wayne Turner who has set a very high standard with regards to COLCPE deductions. Wayne has just signed up for a $20. per pay period deduction -- a total of $520 per year! That is certainly putting his money where his mouth is!
I have recently ordered small pocket business sized wallet cards for each member. The card contains information for what to do when injured on the job. The cards are laminated for durability. I hope the use of such cards will assist our membership in avoiding the problems inherent in OWCP cases when the forms are not properly expedited.
Office visits are continuing on a regular, weekly basis. Look forward to seeing you all during the visits, or hopefully at our October Branch Meeting in White Plains on 10/21. Don't forget, the meeting will take place at the Memorial Methodist Church on Bryant Ave. Hope to see you there.